Hive Mind
Scream Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street - Roman Chimienti & Tyler Jensen (Documentaires)
Lausanne Underground
Film & Music Festival
21st edition


It's been ten years since Yeah You, a crazy duo between a father (Gustav Thomas) and his daughter (Elvin Brandhi), has been improvising their electro-noise with beats and electronic tricks on the one hand, and rhythmic flow and lyrics made up on the fly on the other. This unusual duo from Newcastle spent a lot of time recording and filming themselves in their cars, in the neighbourhood or on tour, in the street, in car parks... first as a kind of daily hygiene on the way to school, then as a real musical project whose records have been released on the Slip, Alter and Opal Tapes labels.

WED 19.10, 00:15
Salle des Fêtes
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