Flux Gourmet - Peter Strickland (Film d'ouverture)
Yeah You
Scream Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street - Roman Chimienti & Tyler Jensen (Documentaires)
Lausanne Underground
Film & Music Festival
21st edition


Silnaye has been active on the Berlin underground scene since 2007, collaborating with collectives such as TERROR, Gleeecht, Raw Chicks and Uncore Bar, performing in squats and festivals across Europe. A blistering tear in the fabric of music, cutting into hardcore, electronica, punk and noise. Silnaye chisels her unusual rhythms and warped drones with her low-end machines whilst simultaneously singing her heart out, before shredding it back through filters, serving up “a nice crispy cheese topping”.

SAT 22.10, 03:00
Salle des Fêtes
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