Cuddly Toys - Kansas Bowling (Compétition longs métrages)
Breathing Happy - Shane Brady (Compétition longs métrages)
Yeah You
Santa Sangre - Alejandro Jodorowsky (Carte blanche Stephen Sayadian)
Lausanne Underground
Film & Music Festival
21st edition


Terminal phase
Roberta Findlay, 1979, USA
76', digital, English

In the presence of Roberta Findlay
Prohibited for people under 18 years of age

TW: (click on the blurred zone)

Pornography, sexual violence

Alma, a famous photographer, knows that she is doomed by the cancer that is eating her. She decides to spend the time left in her country house, surrounded by her memories. There, she falls under the spell of Cosima, a young woman who appears to her as if by magic. However, the romance darkens when Alma, increasingly emotionally dependent on Cosima, sees her bringing strangers into the house….

Based on the least sexy idea in the world, according to Findlay herself, she signs an atypical, dark and melancholic porn.

THU 20.10, 22:30
[ → Buy Ticket – 20.10 – 22:30 ]