Breathing Happy - Shane Brady (Compétition longs métrages)
Scream Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street - Roman Chimienti & Tyler Jensen (Documentaires)
Swallowed - Carther Smith (Film de clôture)
Lausanne Underground
Film & Music Festival
21st edition


Laurie Tompkins is an English composer and performer, as well as the co-director of the brilliant Slip label, which is currently releasing some of the hottest new music in the UK (Yeah You, Mica Levi, Ashley Paul, Julia Reidy...). Stimulating himself with both his voice and samplers, roaring and bursting at any moment in all possible directions, he creates striking, disconcerting music and turns his live performances into totally unpredictable experiences. Hyperactive, Laurie Tompkins has already released three records in 2022, on the labels Entr'acte, 33-33 and Hyperdelia.