Cuddly Toys - Kansas Bowling (Compétition longs métrages)
Yeah You
Breathing Happy - Shane Brady (Compétition longs métrages)
Scream Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street - Roman Chimienti & Tyler Jensen (Documentaires)
Lausanne Underground
Film & Music Festival
21st edition


At the crossroads of electronic and instrumental music, Jean-Philippe Gross has developed a physical connection to sound. He plays with a mixing desk looped back into itself. Each sound is produced live by a feedback phenomenon initiated by the artist. The sounds generated in this way pass through the circuits of the mixer and various recorders that transform the signal by filtering and/or saturating it. This device works like an instrument. Each sound is a combination of different parameters that define the timbre, dynamics and intrinsic quality of the device.

THU 20.10, 01:00
Salle des Fêtes
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